BrandStar Virtual
Xperiences (BVX)

What is BVX?

BVX is our latest product release from BrandStar Technologies. It enables professionally produced live online events for up to 100,000 participants worldwide by leveraging our new and existing studio assets (LED video walls powered by Unreal 3D set engines) combined with highly scalable internet-based technologies.

The Results

  • Reach an exponentially wider audience
  • Maximize profit potential
  • Immediately “level-up” the value and perception of your brand


We give you the ability to host everything from live training workshops to launching a full-scale digital conference up to 100,000 people more sustainably, accessibly and safely with ease.


With the ability to mix attendees in-person and online we blur the line between a virtual and a live in-person event. With our broadcast studio, we also give you true live interaction between in-person and virtual presenters.


Our state-of-the-art BrandStar owned and operated production facility includes large broadcast studios (Studio A/Studio B), 4 conference rooms and all the tech required to create a world-class Hybrid Virtual Experience to help you grow. Fast.

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